We all know that TSA screenings have made running through the
airport 15 minutes before your flight depart a distant memory shared
nostalgically as we wait in winding snake lines to remove our shoes and have a
virtual body scan completed, but arriving three-and-a-half hours early may not
be the way to go either. Especially if you know you are in for a 12+ hour day
of travel without these minutes.
On the bright side, if you happen to feel a bit panicky with
travel to a distant airport and you find yourself as the 2nd person
in line to check-in as the ticket counter opens, you may benefit from a free
perk. Free exit row seating or free check-in of your carry-on at the counter to
name a few. Yes, I may be bragging a bit here. There are other benefits
to foregoing that extra hour of sleep; having the time to actually use the
plush seats that are outside of the terminals while people watching is
something I never before had time to do, but today this was a great way to kill
an hour.
There is a truly delightful feel to people watching arrivals in the
land of the mouse. Families exit planes holding tightly to tots pulling their
own travel cases likely filled with coloring books and markers as well as
favorite princess dolls or superhero action figures. Their eyes become saucers
as they take in the airport stores: Disney, Universal, Sea World, so much to
see at once and just the slightest hint of the delights awaiting over the next
few days of their vacations. Truly a great way to start any journey.
And this is exactly how we started our adventure this morning.
Of course as I look down upon Glacier Bay for my first glimpse of the
Northwest, I understand that I likely resemble the children I watched departing
from planes at the start of this long day. I run through the trip itinerary
mentally and physically – yes it is printed and plotted and I know you are
likely laughing, but having a plan is vital to smooth travel when four strong
ladies set off on a road trip – quickly glance around the cabin to see Oldest,
Sis, and Niece, and take a moment to reflect on just how lucky I am to be
having this experience. Ready or not, it’s time to see Alaska.
Woohoo! I'm all excited just reading about you getting excited LOL